Iron Riff - A Cache Iron short story
In 2025, I am embarking on a new writing project. When I planned out the Cache Iron mystery series, there were certain novels that advanced the readers familiarly in Cache’s life and yet will provide an entertaining mystery full of twists and turns.
However, along the way I often get the idea for other mysteries I want to get Cache involved in and writing a short story to get it out of my head is a great way to put those ideas on paper and provide the readers something to digest between full-length novels in the series.
The first story I started to plot out in October and November 2024. I scoped out a rough draft on the plot, developed the characters and their back story and fit the pieces together. The story centers on the music industry and particularly an all-female rock band know as Dixons Vixens.
With most multiple murders, the police look for something to tie the victims together to get into the mind of the killer. But what happens when the murders are different and don’t occur in the same city, state or even country? Think about any major music artist that is out on tour, cascading the world with this huge entourage in tow. What if one of them was a serial killer? Would there be enough information out there for local law enforcement to pick up the scent?
Hence the idea behind what I am calling Iron Riff. A short story aimed to be around 15,000 words that involve the rock band Dixons Vixens with lead singer Mabel Dixon, Ivy Monroe in lead guitar, Riley Storm on drums and Maya Torres on bass. Throw in a sketchy band manager, a record label called Rustwave Records, some roadies and a writer for a music magazine following the band from city to city and you have a host of suspects, each with a different opportunity to commit the crime.
Chapter one begins with two fans singing a song of the bands that has topped the rock charts, which meant I needed to craft a song for the story. This meant researching song structure and develop the right rhyming sequence.
The name of the song that I came up with is called Lust is a Good Grind.
I share the lyrics below with you:
Lust is a Good Grind
Shadows in this dive tonight
Graffiti sprayed across the walls
You emerge into the light
Bad judgement answers the call
Foot up against a bathroom stall
Bodies begin to grind
Feeling my ass hitting the wall
Our lust starts to become aligned
Didn’t catch your handle
Don’t know your name
You brought the candle,
I started the flame.
Foot up against a bathroom stall
Bodies begin to grind
Feeling my ass hitting the wall
Our lust starts to become aligned
Heart beats slow down
Awkward silence starts to emerge
Bad judgement takes the crown
Impure thoughts are purged
Foot up against a bathroom stall
Bodies begin to grind
Feeling my ass hitting the wall
Our lust starts to become aligned
And in the end, a quick chance to unwind
For a brief moment in time, we did the grind.
We did the grind
We did the grind.
Lust is a Good Grind